About our principal
Gabriela Osterlund has been part of the Diocese of Parramatta for almost 30 years as a teacher and coordinator at several CSPD schools. She has also served as Acting Assistant Principal at CathWest Innovation College Mount Druitt, St Andrews College Marayong, Santa Sophia Catholic College Gables and Bede Polding College South Windsor.
About our principal

Welcome to Emmaus Catholic College, where we prepare our students for the world outside the classroom.
Our college offers students a tranquil setting for learning, with its spacious site surrounded by beautiful native bushland, and modern learning spaces fully equipped with the tools of today (and tomorrow!).
Emmaus strives to be authentically Catholic in its identity, while ensuring the best possible learning and teaching for the whole person as part of a rich tradition of Catholic education. My prayer for students who enrol at the college is to develop the skills, values and attitudes needed to make a positive contribution to our world; to fully utilise and share their individual gifts; to take up the challenge of academic rigour; and to seek a sense of spiritual growth.
Our college’s outstanding facilities support 21st century learning across all Key Learning Areas and a range of elective studies. Allowing us to provide a relevant, modern and practical education, utilising the latest technologies.
Founded by the Mercy order, our college still follows their tradition and has the motto "We Walk With Jesus" from Luke's Gospel 24:13-33. We encourage our students to model their behaviour on that of Christ, showing compassion, love and kindness.
At Emmaus we work in partnership with parents, families and the wider community to educate and prepare our students for what their lives will be beyond their school days. To do this we pride ourselves on using true to life learning experiences, ensuring that our students find their education relevant and meaningful, and instilling in them a lifelong love of learning.
On behalf of the Emmaus Catholic College community, I welcome you and hope to meet you on a school tour soon.
Gabriela Osterlund
Contact us today to arrange a visit
I encourage you to explore Emmaus and all we have to offer.
Our Vision and Mission
Emmaus is focused on developing confident, motivated leaders who are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive in today’s world.
Our Difference
Our learning community has so much to offer your child! Discover all the benefits of an Emmaus education.
Our Dedicated Teachers
Our dedicated teaching staff are committed to transforming the lives of every student, every day.
The Learning Journey
With a strong focus on learning how to learn, our school puts the growth of each individual child at the heart of schooling. Emmaus is a place of wonder, exploration and endless possibilities.